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How can I read my Daily Horoscope?

Every day our Astrologists prepare accurate personalized horoscopes that are sent via e-mail to our Users for FREE. But if you are reading this, you have not subscribed yet! Subscribe now and you will receive your Horoscope!

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Single by choice?

You are happy, even when single, but has the time come for you to experience the giddy heights of coupledom? Are you single through choice… but not your choice? Discover immediately how to turn one into two…try to trust in Singles Love horoscopes! Finding your soul mate has never been easier!

Read your Daily Love Horoscope

Love is a wonderful thing... when the couple needs a little imagination, it is better to ask the stars. Discover if love is smiling down on you and consult Love Horoscope. The answers from the Stars could reveal something which you weren't expecting! If you are full of doubt and can't find an answer, don't be afraid! Horoscopofree is here for you!

The word HOROSKOP (oroskopos) (oroskopos) comes from the Greek words "ORA" (time, season) and "SKOPEO" (I examine). All different scientific disciplines (especially Physics and Biology) have offered indications. In fact, the laws of the biological cycles help us to identify more easily the periods when certain cosmic correspondences are concrete and important in an individual's existence. A personal horoscope is the chart that reproduces a determined Astral situation.

In order to draw this chart, we divide a circle into 12 parts of 30 degrees. These parts correspond to the twelve sectors of the sky, called Astrological Houses and correspond to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The First House corresponds to personality, the Second House to financial well-being, the Third House to daily life, the Fourth House to the family, the Fifth house to emotions, the Sixth House to work and health, the Seventh House to unions, the Eighth House to secret qualities, the Ninth House to long trips, the Tenth House to your successes in life, the Eleventh House to friendship and the Twelfth House to life sacrifices.
Everybody's Horoscope is determined by In order to draw this chart, we should draw a circle and divide it into 12 parts of 30 degrees each. These parts correspond to the twelve sectors of the sky, called Astrological Houses and correspond to the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
The First House corresponds to personality, the Second House to the economic life, the Third House to everyday life and transfers, the Fourth House to the family, the Fifth house to emotions, the Sixth House to work and health, the Seventh House to the signed unions, the Eighth House to the secret qualities, the Tenth House to the realizations in life, the Eleventh House to friendship and the Twelfth House to sacrifices in life.

For every one of us, the personal Horoscope is determined by sign of the Zodiac which was rising at the moment of our birth and this determines a group of common and recurring characters and aspects.

Consult your free personal horoscopes every day and don't forget to join the Astrological Community of Horoscopofree.com!

The stars talk about you ..

Consult your Career Horoscope every day!

One thousand tricks to work without ever getting tired! Get your daily Career Horoscope with all the tips of the Astrologers! Trust in Career Horoscopes and stress won't be a problem thanks to the advice of Horoscopofree!

Career Horoscopes

Your Couple's Love Horoscope

Is your love affair really as you'd dreamed? Is this true love or just a fling? Don't wonder anymore! Read our sections dedicated to Couple's Love Horoscope and discover all the secrets of love! When you are overcome with doubts, turn to Horoscopofree: it's here for you!

Relationship Horoscope

The Business Horoscope

Making investments is so tiring! Every time you feel a doubt and don't know if it's the right time to play on the Stock Exchange, you can count on your Business Horoscope! You will receive personalised advice to solve any financial problem. Business no longer rhymes with stress with Horoscopofree!

Business Horoscopes

Winning Numbers Horoscope

Nowadays you can receive the winning numbers for Lotto and Superenalotto! Let yourself be guided by Horoscopofree's Lucky Numbers Horoscope: unexpected winnings will take you by surprise. The Blindfolded Goddess could choose you this time… Follow the advice of Lucky Numbers Horoscope!

Winning Numbers Horoscope

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The Monthly Horoscope

The daily horoscope is more exact but it doesn’t tell you how the month will go in general. Read your Monthly Horoscope! Love, work and health of February. Every day is a surprise but you can forecast in advance the general trend of the month of February.

Year Horoscope 2024

Read the forecasts for 2024 and follow our advice! Discover in advance everything about your sign of the Zodiac and the surprises which are on the cards! The future will be in your hands in one simple action! Don't delay: enter Horoscope 2024! You won't regret it!

Draw your Tarot cards!

For over a thousand years, Tarot cards have been the best tool for forecasting the future. Ask your question then let yourself be transported by the wisdom of the Tarots: they will know how to show you what will happen in the future in relationships and how you feel in the present. Magician, Lover or Angel? Discover it immediately!

Did you Check your Horoscope for Tonight?

Are you wondering what to do tonight? Don't rack your brains too much and listen to the advice of the Stars! The Stars are here for you to make amusing forecasts on your evening. In company or alone, make your evening unforgettable with the Stars' suggestions offered by Horoscopofree and read your Horoscope for Tonight.